The Local, National and Regional Biodiversity Rapid Assessment project, based on the ‘Systematic Conservation Planning’ concept, has identified which terrestrial and marine ecosystems are under most pressure, how well they are represented in protected areas, and where the spatial priorities should be for future conservation implementation within Abu Dhabi Emirate, UAE and the Arabian Peninsula.

The LNR Biodiversity Rapid Assessment project has achieved numerous outcomes including:

  • The UAE and Arabian Peninsula Habitat maps – the first comprehensive maps of their kind for the region
  • Headline indicators from the Ecosystem Threat Status and Protection Level assessments;
  • The first objective measure of conservation for the Arabian Peninsula ecosystems

Furthermore, the achievement for the Spatial Prioritisations include a range of products for planners to use in determining local spatial priorities. These identify national and trans-boundary priority areas for Protected Area expansion, as well as identifying the areas where finer scale planning would be beneficial.

Link to file:  Biodiversity Rapid Assessment Outcome Booklet (5712 downloads )