Traditional society in Abu Dhabi Emirate was environmentally conservative, but a fast pace of urbanisation and development saw a lack of sound environmental education and awareness. This was often cited as one of the reasons for the Emirate’s high waste per capita and high water and energy consumption. This Environmental Education and Awareness Sector Paper investigates how education can help shape behaviour and develop environmentally responsible citizens, as part of nine sector papers in Abu Dhabi’s State of the Environment.
First released in 2006, the nine sector papers were revisited by AGEDI in 2009 to address previously identified shortcomings, while further enhancing the knowledge base by increasing the level of more current data and information. The review of these papers aimed to increase access to current information, re-engage stakeholder participation, build the partner network, and catalog all the information and data into a knowledge base that the stakeholder community could access and further develop via the Geospatial Portal.
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