
AGEDI highlights Blue Carbon at COP 21

The AGEDI team leveraged its Blue Carbon knowledge to contribute to climate change discussions at the Conference of Parties (COP), COP 21, in Paris, France.

The team highlighted Blue Carbon in panel discussions in the IUCN Pavilion, Taking Implementation of Policy, Programmes and Projects of Blue Carbon Ecosystems to Scale: Identifying the Priority Next Steps and during a speaking opportunity at the GCC Pavilion on GCC regional efforts in their adaptation actions through: water conservation, marine protection, urban planning and desertification; including their mitigation co-benefits.

The GCC Blue Carbon workshop was also discussed at the UNFCCC and UNEP Lima Adaptation Knowledge Initiative (LAKI) session, and the team also ensured a Blue Carbon contribution to a side event showcasing the Arabian Gulf and Red Sea regions’ efforts in their adaptation actions through water conservation, marine protection, urban planning and desertification, including their mitigation co-benefits. Learn more about AGEDI’s Blue Carbon work here.

Here’s a video from the conference.

Happy in the Mangroves

Following the Internet phenomenon of the “Be Happy” Videos, it was decided at the inception workshop for the GEF Blue Forest project, hosted in Abu Dhabi in partnership with AGEDI, that all the Blue Carbon projects within  the programme would create their own “Be Happy” Videos.

Filmed during the National Blue Carbon Project Field Work, the video was launched at the Eye on Earth Summit 2015, creating an exciting buzz around alternative outreach methods inspiring all to create their own “Be Happy” videos.

Thanks to all the fieldwork volunteers who appear in the video and the scientists who took time out from their data collection to dance and Be Happy…

Launch of the National Blue Carbon Project Report

The Ministry of Environment and Water (MOEW) today launched the National Blue Carbon Project report, marking the first national quantification of the UAE’s Blue Carbon stocks, which will help guide decision-making in coastal ecosystem preservation and climate change mitigation. The Project was a collaborative initiative managed and facilitated by a partnership between MOEW and the Abu Dhabi Global Environmental Data Initiative (AGEDI), and implemented in collaboration with the Environment Agency-Abu Dhabi (EAD) alongside the local authorities of the other emirates.

National Blue Carbon Project – Decision-maker Summary

National Blue Carbon Project – Executive Summary

UAE to host the 13th Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands (COP13) in 2018

Punta del Este, Uruguay – The UAE Ministry of Environment & Water (MoEW) recently hosted a side event in the 12th Conference of the Parties to the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands (COP12) – a successful side event that was attended by 120 delegates from different countries and international organisations, and saw the UAE being accepted to host the next edition, COP 13, in Dubai in 2018.  AGEDI’s work on the Blue Carbon Project in partnership with MoEW was highlighted at the dedicated side event, as well as key UAE sustainable projects and events, including the upcoming Eye on Earth Summit and Ecocity World Summit, to be held in October this year in Abu Dhabi. AGEDI’s blue carbon and ecosystem services outcomes support the UAE’s position to the Ramsar Convention; the country has been a party to the Convention since 2007, and has designated five wetland sites onto the List of Wetlands of International Importance (‘Ramsar Sites’), considered to be of high value to the country and the world because of the ecosystem services they provide. The nation’s wetland ecosystem is one of the most unique and diverse in the Arabian Peninsula, and includes marshes, vast tidal flats, fresh water aquifers, mangroves and coral reefs.

AGEDI presents Blue Carbon work at Natural Capital Symposium

Stanford, CA, USA – AGEDI presented its Blue Carbon work at the 2015 Natural Capital Symposium – held at Stanford University – which gathers people from around the world that are working to factor the true value of nature into decision-making. AGEDI participated in the Symposium’s Lightning Talks session,  highlighting its Abu Dhabi Blue Carbon Demonstration Project and how the project findings have been used in Abu Dhabi’s coastal ecosystem management and climate change mitigation and development plans.

Management of Blue Carbon Resources in PERSGA Region

The Regional Organisation for the Conservation of the Environment of the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden held a two-day regional training workshop in Jeddah in September 2013. The workshop, titled “Assessment and Management of Blue Carbon Resources in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden” aimed to share data on the Gulf’s Blue Carbon Ecosystems and how they support vital environmental functions.

Huda Petra Shamayleh, AGEDI Co-Project Manager of the Abu Dhabi Blue Carbon Demonstration Project, gave a keynote presentation at the workshop, on the Abu Dhabi Blue Carbon Project. The presentation highlighted the Project’s research components and the findings from the various assessments conducted on the Blue Carbon Ecosystems of Abu Dhabi.


New infographic released to explain Blue Carbon Ecosystems in Abu Dhabi

A new infographic was released in Abu Dhabi as part of the Abu Dhabi Blue Carbon Demonstration Project, to explain the Blue Carbon Ecosystems in Abu Dhabi and their potential value.

Download the PDF Here:  InfoGraphic explaining Blue Carbon Ecosystems in Abu Dhabi and their potential value (13796 downloads )


Dr. Frederic Launay talks about the Abu Dhabi Blue Carbon Demonstration Project

Senior Advisor to the Secretary General Environment Agency – Abu Dhabi (EAD) and Acting Director of AGEDI.

Dr.Launay shares his thoughts on The Abu Dhabi Blue Carbon Demonstration Project.

View on the Blue Carbon Vimeo Channel

Abu Dhabi Blue Carbon Demonstration Project Brochure and Brief Available to download

In just over 40 years, Abu Dhabi has evolved from a small fishing community to the largest and most populated of the seven Emirates of the UAE. With the vision and direction from His Highness the late Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan, the environment has become an intrinsic part of the heritage and traditions of the people of the UAE.

This national affinity to the sea has led to the initiation of the Abu Dhabi Blue Carbon Demonstration Project in order to explore the values which coastal ecosystems provide the UAE, and to help preserve our environmental and cultural heritage. The project will run for 12 months.

Abu Dhabi Blue Carbon Demonstration Project Brochure (14816 downloads ) Abu Dhabi Blue Carbon Demonstration Project Brief Overview (12769 downloads )

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