AGEDI is currently facilitating and chairing the open Arabian Blue Forests Working Group which looks at Blue Carbon and Ecosystem Services for the Arabian Peninsula. Secretariat membership also includes Five Oceans, Saudi Aramco, ROPME, PERGSA, Arabian Gulf University, Emirates Nature-WWF and Environment Agency- Abu Dhabi amongst others.
Scope of the Group
• Act as coordinator between BC and marine/coastal ES practitioners within the region, and provide a focal point for communication with the wider international community (such as the Blue Carbon Partnership, IPBES, IUCN etc.)
• Act as coordinator between BC and marine/coastal ES practitioners within the region, and provide a focal point for communication the wider regional level entities (e.g. ROPME, PERSGA, GCC Secretariat)
• Within region coordination role would be
i) To share best practices, methodologies and data between regional practitioners
ii) Help facilitate research in the region (e.g. collaboration) and capitalize on potential synergies between activities
iii) Produce integrated papers/reviews for use in at national, regional and international levels
iv) Prepare joint statements towards regional and international dialogue and intergovernmental processes
Click here on our regional blue carbon feasibility study which started it all for our AGEDI journey!
We are looking for blue carbon and ecosystem services practitioners and experts from our region!
Please email Jane Glavan [email protected] for more information