Register for online access! Day 2 Regional Symposium on Climate Change

Local, National and Regional Climate Change Programme Symposium Day 2: Land and Water
Join us for a live-streaming webinar on March 14, 2017
All registrants will receive a link to the recording – so please register even if you cannot attend the live event.
The AGEDI Local, National and Regional Climate Change Programme (LNRCCP) was launched in 2013 with the aim of establishing a climate change work programme that could build upon, expand and deepen the understanding of vulnerability to the impacts of climate change in the UAE and the surrounding region, as well as identify practical adaptive responses at the local, national and regional levels. This work is driven by AGEDI’s vision to enhance accessibility to environmental data and information to support effective decision-making. AGEDI has engaged stakeholders throughout the region around five thematic areas: Regional climate change, Environment, Water resources, Coastal zones, and Socio-economic systems.
Register now!
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. View System Requirements
All time in Gulf Standard Time (GMT+4)
The online session starts at 9:00 AM We recommend you join a few minutes beforehand – to give time to fix any equipment issues.

Day 2 GoToWebinar Registration Regional Climate Change Symposium (6198 downloads )