The Environmental Atlas of Abu Dhabi Emirate
The Environmental Atlas of Abu Dhabi Emirate aims to embrace a wide constituency of readers in an innovative and compelling manner, highlighting the most significant environmental aspects of the Emirate.
Arab Atlas of Environmental Change
The Atlas focuses on environmental changes in key selected areas of West Asia.
Integrated Environmental Assessment Workshop for the NRT
AGEDI, EAD, UNEP, and the Centre for Environment and Development for Arab Region and Europe (CEDARE) organised a training workshop on Integrated Environmental Assessment (IEA) for the National Reporting Toolkit (NRT) in December 2013.
Building Blue Carbon Projects: An Introductory Guide
Building Blue Carbon Projects: An introductory guide

Environmental Outlook of Arab Region – Completed
An in-depth profile of region’s environmental resources both as assets and challenges for sustainable development.

Abu Dhabi Blue Carbon Portal
A dedicated portal with all materials from the Abu Dhabi Blue Carbon Demonstration Project and the mapping tool.

Building Blue Carbon Projects: An Introductory Guide
Building Blue Carbon Projects: An introductory guide

Integrated Environmental Assessment Workshop for the NRT
Report on the Integrated Environmental Assessment (IEA) for the National Reporting Toolkit (NRT) in December 2013.

Arab Atlas of Environmental Change – Completed
The Atlas focuses on environmental changes in key selected areas of West Asia.

The Blue Carbon Mapping Tool
Learn more about the important role of coastal marine ecosystems and their ability to absorb and store carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

Environmental Atlas of Abu Dhabi Emirate Teaching Materials
The Environmental Atlas of Abu Dhabi Emirate website includes an education section for teachers and students alike.

The Environmental Atlas of Abu Dhabi Emirate
The Environmental Atlas of Abu Dhabi Emirate highlights the most significant environmental aspects of the Emirate in an engaging manner.