Lima Adaptation Knowledge Initiative Synopsis Including West Asia/ Golf Cooperation Council subregion
Climate change adaptation knowledge gaps pose significant…

Eye on Earth Webinars

360 Virtual Educational Tour Mangrove National Park

360 Virtual Educational Al Wathba Tour
Welcome to our Al Wathba Virtual Tour. Please start by either…

Video: UAV 3D Modeling of Mangroves

Regional Climate Change Symposium recordings of sessions

Eye on Earth Website: Convene, Converge, Collaborate

AGEDI Climate Change Inspectors

Interactive Atlas of Abu Dhabi

AGEDI Videos

Report Assessment Frameworks and Indicators Selection Workshop
Under the leadership of Ministry of Environment and Water (MOEW)…

National Blue Carbon Project – Be Happy Video
Following the Internet phenomenon of the "Be Happy" Videos, it was decided at the inception workshop for the GEF Blue Forest project, hosted in Abu Dhabi in partnership with AGEDI, that all the Blue Carbon projects within the programme would create their own "Be Happy" Videos.