First released in 2006, AGEDI revisited the State of the Environment Sector Papers in 2009 to address previously identified shortcomings, and to further enhance the knowledge base by increasing the level of more current data and information. The report covers the Emirate of Abu Dhabi and aims at supporting sustainable development by providing appropriate, sound, and policy relevant knowledge on the state of environment, its outlook and an action plan in the Emirate for policy makers and other stakeholders including public. It effectively links human development, economic activities and environmental issues in a way that enable formulating a participatory, timely, and informed decision making geared towards sound environmental management and sustainable development.
The Process:
The review of these papers aimed to enhance access to current information, re-engage stakeholder participation, build the partner network, and catalogue all the information and data into a knowledge base that the stakeholder community could access and further develop via the Geospatial Portal.
Main Achievements:
Sector papers provide the basis of the State of the Environment Assessment Framework (SOE). An SOE provides the architecture on which to build the components of AGEDI as well as:
- Describes the existing environmental situation within the Emirate of Abu Dhabi
- Identifies pressing environmental issue
- Prioritises scientific research and EAD activities by matching them to pressing environmental issues
- Provides the driving force for AGEDI and AGEDI Abu Dhabi by setting the data, analysis, reporting, and knowledge dissemination requirements
During Phase 1 of AGEDI the Abu Dhabi SOE was one of the first SOE reports to be published entirely on-line (excluding the Executive Summary). During Phase II the information and graphs were updated to the newest information available as well as upgrading the application to Sharepoint 2007. Within Phase II, the indicators also became aligned with the findings of the Environmental Performance Index (EPI) findings.
Download the Executive Summary:
Executive Summary: State of the Environment Report (4755 downloads )Download the Sector Papers:
Marine and Coastal Environment Sector Paper (5976 downloads )
Physical Geography Sector Paper (5706 downloads )
Population, Economy and Development Sector Paper (5241 downloads )
Cultural Heritage Sector Paper (4911 downloads )
Environmental Education and Awareness Sector Paper (4755 downloads )
Environmental Policies and Regulations Sector Paper (5422 downloads )
Waste and Pollution Resources Sector Paper (5839 downloads )
Water Resources Sector Paper (6410 downloads )
Terrestrial Environment Sector Paper (5784 downloads )