GEF Blue Forest Inaugural Meeting

Abu Dhabi, UAE – The Global Environment Facility’s (GEF) Blue Forests Project had its inaugural meeting in Abu Dhabi in November, hosted by AGEDI. The Project helps develop Blue Carbon science and data management through the production of tools and the testing of methodologies that can be utilised and scaled up to the international arena, and will enhance blue carbon cooperation and training. AGEDI is a key partner of GEF’s efforts, with its local work in Blue Carbon having already helped guide the Project and its international members through knowledge-sharing and capacity-building.

Ecosystems Services Assessment Participatory Workshop

Abu Dhabi, UAE – The Ecosystems Services Assessment project commenced this month with a participatory modelling workshop. The participatory modelling process combines available data and expert knowledge from key stakeholders to analyse the relative supply and demand of ecosystem services. The project is part of the extension work from Phase I of the Abu Dhabi Blue Carbon Demonstration Project. This work aims to investigate the Phase I results – completed in April 2014 – and to assess the full range of ecosystem benefits that, together with carbon sequestration, should be taken account of in complex, land-use decision-making.

AGEDI to start Phase II of Blue Carbon Project

UAE – Work on Phase II of the Blue Carbon Project will begin in September, expanding the science to the Northern and Eastern Emirates and to the GCC region, and extending the understanding and valuation aspects of coastal blue carbon ecosystem services. Phase II sees the incorporation of findings into policy creation as well, including the proposed compensation fund. AGEDI’s recommendations from Phase II will then be incorporated into local, national, regional and international programmes.

AGEDI contributes to the 5th National Report for Biodiversity

The UAE published its 5th National Report for Biodiversity on the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) website in June. The report, which incorporates AGEDI’s outcomes from AGEDI’s Local, National and Regional Biodiversity Rapid Assessment Project, reflects the status and trends of biodiversity, as well as the UAE’s efforts conserve it.

Read the report here.

World Environment Day 2014

Gouna, Egypt – This June, AGEDI attended the International World Environment Day (WED) in Gouna, Egypt, an event sponsored by the Ministry of Environmental Affairs. Dr. Laila Iskendar, Minister of Environment, and Mr. Amro Al Samak, Executive Director for Environmental Affairs were among the guests that participated in the event.

This event was held right after the Arab Environmental Ministers meetings on 14-15 June which was attended by Arab Ministers, Ambassadors as well as Diplomats from around the world.

The city of Gouna was chosen as the place to celebrate this two-day event because of its reputation for being an extremely environmental friendly city, thus the perfect backdrop for world leaders and organizations to meet and support environmental sustainability.

The central theme of World Environment Day 2014 was climate change; the event included an exhibition on environmental investment, where organizations had the ability to share information on sustainable development and environmental protection. Amongst the technology showcased was green technology to promote cleaner environments, the latest solar energy expertise and equipment, as well as the promotion of a green economy for future generations to come.

AGEDI’s attendance to WED was very successful and fruitful. In this event dedicated to increased knowledge on environmental protection and finding ways to improve policy making towards a sustainable future, AGEDI continued its efforts in promoting data sharing across regional networks such as the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. AGEDI looks forward to working closely with global leaders and local communities towards addressing climate change issues, achieving environmental sustainability, increasing awareness and responsibility, and ultimately building a better future for the people of the globe.

Phase I of Blue Carbon Project highlighted in SIDS Foresight Report 2014

The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) launched the SIDS Foresight Report on priority issues for small island developing states (SIDS) this June. The report identified climate change impacts and related sea-level rise as the chief concern among 20 emerging issues impacting the environmental resilience and sustainable development prospects of SIDS. The findings from the recommendations of the 2011 UN-OHRLLS (UN Office of The High Representative for the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States) report were reiterated, among which was calling for SIDS to “establish and strengthen national administrative and legislative capacity for developing and implementing integrated coastal zone management plans and strategies.” AGEDI’s blue carbon demonstration project was referenced as a prime benchmark for SIDS in pursuing similar projects.

Read the report.

Sustainability in the Water-Energy-Food Nexus

Bonn, Germany – At the Sustainability in the Water-Energy-Food Nexus conference (WEF Nexus), AGEDI underlined the organisation’s timely and unique role in data collection and sharing in the region. The links between water, food and energy for policy development were also discussed, all within a session titled the MENA (Middle East and North Africa) Nexus Initiative for a Green Economy, Human Security, and Stability.

View the session presentation. 

The Abu Dhabi Blue Carbon Demonstration Project

Abu Dhabi, UAE – The Abu Dhabi Blue Carbon Demonstration Project, facilitated by the AGEDI was a one-year project, which commenced in November 2012. Supportive to AGEDI’s mandate and as one of the projects within the Eye on the Earth Oceans and Blue Carbon Special Initiative, the project was designed to deliver data sharing on a local level, support and encourage adaptation on a regional level and contribute to knowledge on the international stage.

Abu Dhabi was the ideal setting for such a project due to its innovative concepts and commitment to informed decision-making, in particular with regards the environment. In just over 40 years, Abu Dhabi has evolved from a small fishing community to the largest of the seven Emirates of the UAE.

With the vision and direction from His Highness the late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, the environment has become an intrinsic part of the heritage and traditions of the people of the UAE. This national affinity to the sea led to the initiation of the Abu Dhabi Blue Carbon Demonstration Project, with the aim of exploring the values coastal and marine ecosystems provide in the UAE, and to help preserve the Emirate’s environment and cultural heritage.

Download from the here: Abu Dhabi Blue Carbon Demonstration Project Final Publication



New infographic released to explain Blue Carbon Ecosystems in Abu Dhabi

A new infographic was released in Abu Dhabi as part of the Abu Dhabi Blue Carbon Demonstration Project, to explain the Blue Carbon Ecosystems in Abu Dhabi and their potential value.

Download the PDF Here:  InfoGraphic explaining Blue Carbon Ecosystems in Abu Dhabi and their potential value (14127 downloads )


EAD and UNEP sign Eye on Earth Secretariat Agreement

The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the Environment Agency – Abu Dhabi (EAD), through AGEDI, took forward their cooperation by signing a landmark agreement to establish the joint ‘Eye on Earth’ Secretariat. The Secretariat will oversee the implementation of the eight Special Initiatives and commitments of the Eye on Earth Summit held in Abu Dhabi last December.