New infographic released to explain Blue Carbon Ecosystems in Abu Dhabi

A new infographic was released in Abu Dhabi as part of the Abu Dhabi Blue Carbon Demonstration Project, to explain the Blue Carbon Ecosystems in Abu Dhabi and their potential value.

Download the PDF Here:  InfoGraphic explaining Blue Carbon Ecosystems in Abu Dhabi and their potential value (13801 downloads )


Dr. Frederic Launay talks about the Abu Dhabi Blue Carbon Demonstration Project

Senior Advisor to the Secretary General Environment Agency – Abu Dhabi (EAD) and Acting Director of AGEDI.

Dr.Launay shares his thoughts on The Abu Dhabi Blue Carbon Demonstration Project.

View on the Blue Carbon Vimeo Channel

New video tells the story of Blue Carbon in Abu Dhabi

A new video released today tells the story of the Abu Dhabi Blue Carbon Demonstration Project, which aims to improve our understanding of the other ecosystem services that coastal Blue Carbon ecosystems provide in Abu Dhabi. “Blue Carbon” refers to the ability of coastal vegetation, including mangrove forests, saltmarshes, seagrass beds, sabkhas and cyanobacterial mats, to sequester and store atmospheric carbon in biomass and sediments. The project is facilitated by AGEDI and supported by an expert team led by GRID-Arendal, including UNEP, UNEP-WCMC, Forest Trends, and a group of world-class coastal carbon scientists.

Abu Dhabi Blue Carbon Demonstration Project Brochure and Brief Available to download

In just over 40 years, Abu Dhabi has evolved from a small fishing community to the largest and most populated of the seven Emirates of the UAE. With the vision and direction from His Highness the late Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan, the environment has become an intrinsic part of the heritage and traditions of the people of the UAE.

This national affinity to the sea has led to the initiation of the Abu Dhabi Blue Carbon Demonstration Project in order to explore the values which coastal ecosystems provide the UAE, and to help preserve our environmental and cultural heritage. The project will run for 12 months.

Abu Dhabi Blue Carbon Demonstration Project Brochure (14824 downloads ) Abu Dhabi Blue Carbon Demonstration Project Brief Overview (12778 downloads )

The Blue Carbon Project

AGEDI, supported by Environment Agency – Abu Dhabi, recently launched a pioneering ‘Blue Carbon’ project that connects the local natural coastal ecosystem management with climate change mitigation.


UNEP at work, Blue carbon

‘Blue carbon’ ecosystems (mangroves, salt marshes and seagrass) function as efficient carbon sinks, storing vast quantities of organic carbon and providing a range of services that sustain communities, provide food security and help them adapt to changes in climate.