You are Invited! 2nd International Blue Carbon Partnership Meeting
The Abu Dhabi Global Environmental Data Initiative (AGEDI) with the Governments of the United Arab Emirates and Australia, invite members of the International Partnership for Blue Carbon and interested organizations to attend the second annual International Partnership for Blue Carbon workshop.
The workshop will involve policy and technical discussions from mitigation and adaptation perspectives on topics including:
the international state of play on blue carbon science, policy and on-ground activities
advancements in international policy frameworks relevant to blue carbon
pathways to effective implementation of activities on blue carbon ecosystems
evaluating the co-benefits of blue carbon activities for food security, fisheries, sustainable livelihoods, and other ecosystem services
financing avenues available and relevant to blue carbon
Please let us know if you can join us.
Agenda 2nd International Blue Carbon Partnership Meeting (5994 downloads )[email protected] or [email protected] cc: [email protected]