References for Decision Makers (55)

  1. Dubai Contingent Valuation (64891)
  2. Ocean Carbon Audit (61077)
  3. UAE Mangroves Carbon Sequestration (58997)
  4. Abu Dhabi Blue Carbon Demonstration Project Brochure (15736)
  5. AGEDI Corporate Brochure (14850)
  6. InfoGraphic explaining Blue Carbon Ecosystems in Abu Dhabi and their potential value (14597)
  7. Abu Dhabi Blue Carbon Demonstration Project Brief Overview (13578)
  8. Arab Atlas of Environmental Change (11031)
  9. Abu Dhabi Blue Carbon Demonstration Project Outcome Report (7978)
  10. Blue Carbon - First Level Exploration of Blue Carbon in the Arabian Peninsula (7868)
  11. National Blue Carbon Project – Executive Summary (7033)
  12. Rapid & Systematic Climate Change Impacts, Vulnerability & Adaption Assessment Phase II (6127)
  13. Biodiversity Rapid Assessment Outcome Booklet (6023)
  14. National Blue Carbon Project – Decision-maker Summary (5690)
  15. Technical Summary Arabian Gulf Climate Change Modeling (5323)
  16. Executive Summary Abu Dhabi Co-Benefits of Reducing GHGs (5241)
  17. Executive Summary UAE Coastal Vulnerability Index (CVI) (5158)
  18. Executive Summary: State of the Environment Report (5104)
  19. Executive Summary Regional Desalination and Climate Change (5070)
  20. Executive Summary Al Ain Water Resources and Climate Change (5028)
  21. Executive Summary UAE Water-Energy NEXUS and Climate Change (4794)
  22. Climate Change Programme Brochure (4739)
  23. Arab Region: Atlas of Our Changing Environment HIGHLIGHTS (4732)
  24. Executive Summary UAE Food Security and Climate Change (4698)
  25. Executive Brief Marine Biodiversity Vulnerability To Climate Change (4673)
  26. Companion Briefing: Regional Desalination and Climate Change (4604)
  27. IRIS Brochure (4601)
  28. Executive Summary Regional Water-Energy NEXUS and Climate Change (4584)
  29. Executive Summary: Regional Terrestrial Biodiversity Vulnerability to Climate Change (4555)
  30. Decision-maker Summary - Ecosystem Services Assessment (4554)
  31. Arab Region Atlas Launch Powerpoint (4492)
  32. Executive Summary Ecosystem Services Assessment (4193)
  33. AGEDI 2017 Executive Report (3957)
  34. Environmental Outlook of Arab Region (3667)
  35. Ecocity World Summit Post Event Report (3575)
  36. Eye on Earth Summit 2015 Executive Report (3538)
  37. UAE Food Security and Climate Change Companion Briefing (3199)
  38. AGEDI 2015 Executive Report (3181)
  39. Technical Summary Regional Atmospheric Modeling (3100)
  40. AGEDI Executive Report 2014 (3087)
  41. Lima Adaptation Knowledge Initiative (3068)
  42. بيان موجز مُرفق بالتقرير الفني النهائي .تحلية المياه وتغير المناخ (2795)
  43. دراسة تمهيدية لارتفاع مستوى سطح البحر (2633)
  44. الملخص الفني بشأن النمذجة الإقليمية للغلاف الجوي (2504)
  45. ملخص تنفيذي: الترابط الوطني بين المياه والطاقة في (2483)
  46. تحلية المياه وتغير المناخ : ملخص تنفيذي (2460)
  47. ملخص تنفيذي: إدارة موارد المياه وتغير المناخ في مدينة العين (2431)
  48. التنوع البيولوجي البري وتغير المناخ الملخص التنفيذي (2318)
  49. موجز تنفيذي، مؤشر قابلية تأثر السواحل (2316)
  50. الأمن الغذائي وتغير المناخ (2292)

Publications (40)

  1. Policy Oceanic Audit (61937)
  2. Trial Assessment of UAE Mangroves Soil Carbon Sequestration Final Report (59485)
  3. Building Blue Carbon Projects: An Introductory Guide (13979)
  4. Arab Atlas of Environmental Change (11031)
  5. Publication: Carbon Storage in Seagrass Beds of Abu Dhabi (8080)
  6. Publication: Limits on carbon sequestration in arid blue carbon ecosystems (7599)
  7. Biodiversity Rapid Assessment - Final UAE Report (6857)
  8. Water Resources Sector Paper (6778)
  9. Biodiversity Rapid Assessment – Final Abu Dhabi Report (6660)
  10. Biodiversity Rapid Assessment - Final Regional Report (6628)
  11. Marine and Coastal Environment Sector Paper (6349)
  12. Waste and Pollution Resources Sector Paper (6190)
  13. Terrestrial Environment Sector Paper (6153)
  14. Physical Geography Sector Paper (6074)
  15. Environmental Policies and Regulations Sector Paper (5795)
  16. Population, Economy and Development Sector Paper (5624)
  17. Regional Sea Level Rise Primer (5343)
  18. Cultural Heritage Sector Paper (5301)
  19. Environmental Education and Awareness Sector Paper (5107)
  20. Abu Dhabi Environmental Performance Index Report (4877)
  21. Technical Report Coastal Blue Carbon Mapping and Media Viability (4233)
  22. The Oceans and us (3585)
  23. Technical Report Regional Terrestrial Biodiversity Vulnerability to Climate Change (3430)
  24. Technical Report Arabian Peninsula Climate Change Modeling (3364)
  25. Technical Report Regional Desalination and Climate Change (3322)
  26. Technical Report Al Ain Water Resources and Climate Change (3222)
  27. Technical Report Abu Dhabi Public Health Co-Benefits of Reducing GHGs (3153)
  28. Technical Report UAE Coastal Vulnerability Index Project (3107)
  29. Technical Report Regional Water-Energy NEXUS and Climate Change (3079)
  30. Publication: The amenity value of Abu Dhabi's coastal and marine resources to its beach visitors (3056)
  31. Technical Report UAE Food Security and Climate Change (3047)
  32. Technical Report Arabian Gulf Climate Change Modeling (3026)
  33. Technical Report UAE Water-Energy NEXUS and Climate Change (3022)
  34. Technical Report Regional Marine Biodiversity Vulnerability to Climate Change (2879)
  35. Technical Report: Blue Carbon Northern and Eastern Emirates (2661)
  36. Technical Report: Abu Dhabi Blue Carbon Ecosystem Services Assessment Report (2544)
  37. Technical Report: Abu Dhabi Blue Carbon Spatial Data Assessment (2507)
  38. Technical Report: Abu Dhabi Blue Carbon Baseline Carbon Assessment (2502)
  39. Technical Report: Abu Dhabi Blue Carbon Policy Assessment (2501)
  40. Technical Report: Abu Dhabi Blue Carbon Finance Feasibility Assessment (2450)